Tuesday, June 5, 2007

After I saw Sarah's snake picture I had to post this one. We found this snake on our hike and were trying to force it out of the bush so the kids could get a better look (it looked harmless) I thought I would try to get a good picture of it so I got down face to face with the thing and as soon as the flash went off the snake put it's tail up in the air and Rattled it! I freaked. Steve didn't believe me so he had to get a better look and it rattled it's tail for him as well. We left it alone after that. Click on the picture for a closer look. Scary!


snsrose said...

That is so dang freaky!!

Babbel Family said...

HOLY CRAP. I totally would have pooped in my pants!

I was raised in a barn said...

Oh my GOSH!!!!!!!

Amanda said...

I should have taken a picture of the Rattel snake we saw. I was too scared so I rode away so fast. K- It was dead but still scarey