Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Here are a few pictures from our day at Deer Creek.

Dallin had a hurt hand so all he could do was drive the boat,
you can imagine how disapointed he was.

Here is Audrey about to go outside the wake.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Audrey and Dallin's 1st Triathalon. They did really well they both took 4th place in thier divisions. I don't think I could do one! It looked hard. I wish I had more pictures of the actual triathalon but we only have video. Just a side note, Chad Lewis's kids did the traithalon as well.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

We went camping/4 wheeling over Memorial weekend. We had so much fun! I thought I would share some pictures.

There are some really fun ATV trails in Kanosh Canyon.

After I saw Sarah's snake picture I had to post this one. We found this snake on our hike and were trying to force it out of the bush so the kids could get a better look (it looked harmless) I thought I would try to get a good picture of it so I got down face to face with the thing and as soon as the flash went off the snake put it's tail up in the air and Rattled it! I freaked. Steve didn't believe me so he had to get a better look and it rattled it's tail for him as well. We left it alone after that. Click on the picture for a closer look. Scary!

This is Dallin on our hike... So Adventureous!

The best part of camping is just relaxing and spending time together. Dallin is still looking for Elk In fact I think most of the pictures I have he is looking for Elk or some other animal.

Here is one of Audrey

Steve and Dallin are always looking for big Elk.